2nd Edition: “What is new in cetacean pathology”

2nd Edition: “What is new in cetacean pathology”

In 2016, in Madeira, we held the first edition of this workshop named “What is new in cetacean Pathology”. This workshop was aimed at using pathology as a tool for cetacean health and conservation. Advances in cetacean pathology including field, laboratory diagnosis, new methodologies, and tools were presented and discussed. More than 40 scientists of over 10 countries participated. Given the great welcoming, interest, and good feedback from last edition participants, we are glad to inform you that we are planning to organize this workshop, every two years, during the ECS annual conference. Thus, this year we are holding the second edition of the workshop in La Spezia, Italy, in collaboration with the Universities of Teramo and Padova. This year there would be two main topics: neuropathology and forensic pathology. This workshop is aimed at discussing the most recent advances in cetacean pathology from methods to diagnosis. Experts interested in
participating please contact: antonio.fernandez@ulpgc.es. Participants are encouraged to present new findings as well as case reports for discussion.


This workshop is aimed at describing and discussing new pathologies, outbreaks, diagnostic tools, etc. in the context of marine mammal pathology and conservation. This year there would be two main topics: neuropathology and forensic pathology

Anticipated Outcome

New advances in pathology of marine mammals


Antonio Fernández

Manuel Arbelo

Eva Sierra

Yara Bernaldo de Quirós

Giovanni Di Guardo

Sandro Mazzariol

Cinzia Centelleghe

Location and Time

NH Hotel, via XX Settembre 2, 19124 La Spezia


Workshop will start 9AM and end 5PM