Cetaceans are known to be affected by marine litter through ingestion and entanglement in fishing nets; the phenomenon is well-known in the ACCOBAMS area, and information exists mainly from the monitoring of strandings in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas.
Overall, in comparison to the level of understanding that exists for some other marine species such as sea turtles and albatrosses, the current level of understanding of the threat posed by marine debris to cetaceans is poor (Simmonds, 2012).
In 2016, Parties to ACCOBAMS identified marine debris as a potentially key conservation issue to be addressed in priority by assessing impacts of ghost nets and plastic materials on cetaceans, in their 2017-2019 Work Programme. One way to improve the assessment would be to propose a standardized protocol to collect relevant data, including those to be collected through stranded cetaceans.
In this context, a collaborative approach of ACCOBAMS with other relevant Organizations is essential to address the issue of marine litter impacts.
Strengthening collaboration between global and regional intergovernmental organizations and NGOs interested in this issue will be an objective of this workshop, in order to ensure better synergy and to optimize efforts.
In order to further develop effective cooperation with the ongoing regional initiatives on marine debris, to assess the impact of debris on cetaceans, and to develop a common operational stranding protocol, the ACCOBAMS Permanent Secretariat will organize, during the ECS 2018, in collaboration with IWC, ASCOBANS, SPA/RAC and ECS, a workshop aiming at:
- Developing a specific Protocol for relevant data gathering / sharing related to targeted marine debris;
- Developing a common operational stranding protocol, in collaboration with IWC, ECS, SPA/RAC and ASCOBANS;
- Collecting information on ongoing initiatives.
- to further develop effective cooperation with the ongoing regional initiatives on marine debris, and to assess the impact of plastic materials on cetaceans
- to develop a common operational stranding protocol
Anticipated Outcome
- Developing a specific Protocol for relevant data gathering / sharing related to targeted marine debris,
- Developing a common operational stranding protocol, in collaboration with IWC, ECS, SPA/RAC and ASCOBANS;
- Collecting information on ongoing initiatives.
Aviad Schenin
Vincent Ridoux
Location and Time
NH Hotel, via XX Settembre 2, 19124 La Spezia
Workshop will start 9AM and end 5 PM