Information on the 2023 ECS Conference Student Grants and the Support Applications
ECS 2023 Conference Student Grants
Student Grant Application Deadline: February 15th 2023 (23:45 CET)
Applications submitted after this deadline will not be considered.
Who’s supported?
The ECS LOC will offer limited financial support to students that are the first author of an accepted talk or poster. The precise amount granted will depend upon the number of students subsidized and the amount of money available. Limited funds are available to provide grants towards travel or subsistence costs for students. If you are earning a salary you are not eligible. The grants are intended for cases of real hardship. Please think carefully before applying for a grant.
How to apply?
Students who wish to apply for support can do that by filling this REGISTRATION FORM by the deadline. To apply, students will need to provide proof of student status for the current academic year (eg. Student card, acceptance letter or letter signed by supervisor).
How is the support given?
Those who are selected for a student grant will receive this onsite at the conference at the registration desk during the main conference on presentation of their contribution.