Information on the Conference Student Grant and the Support Applications
ECS 2015 Conference Student Grants
Student Grant Application Deadline: 10th November 2014
Who’s supported?
The ECS offers limited financial support to students that are the first author of an accepted talk or poster. The precise amount granted will depend upon the number of students subsidized and the amount of money available. Limited funds are available to provide grants towards travel or subsistence costs for students. If you are earning a salary you are not eligible. The grants are intended for cases of real hardship. Please think carefully before applying for a grant.
How to apply?
Students who wish to apply for support can do that conditional on submitting their abstract by filling in the following form ( Student Grant Form ( PDF version ) ) and return to the Conference Organizers at ecs.conf2015(at) with a copy to the treasurer at RLick2059(at) by not later than 3rd of November 2014.
If you are earning a salary you are not eligible. The grants are intended for cases of real hardship. Please think carefully before applying for a grant.
How is the support given?
Those who are selected for a student grant will receive this onsite at the conference at the registration desk during the main conference on presentation of their contribution.
Special Support to Contributors
ECS 2015 Conference Support Application
Support Application Deadline: 10th November 2014
Who’s supported?
The ECS tries to encourage participants from countries where funding for such conferences is extremely limited. These include developing countries, from Southern Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and the Black Sea states. The level of support will depend on funds available but we have applied for funding specifically to support these contributing persons.
How to apply?
Those persons wishing to apply for support should download the Financial Support Request Form ( PDF version ) and send it to ecs.conf2015(at) as soon as possible and by the 3rd November 2014 at the latest.
This form is also for those who need an official invitation to apply for a Visa to enter Malta as indicated in the travel requirements section.
How is the support given?
A decision will be made shortly before the early registration deadline due on the 16th of January 2015. Selected persons would be informed by then.