AGM - 2022

ON-LINE Thurday 7 April 2022 14:30 CET


Provisional Agenda of the Annual General Meeting

  1. Welcome from the Chair
  2. Adoption of Agenda
  3. Minutes of the last AGM in Barcelona (WMMC 2019)
  4. Annual report
    1. Membership 2022
    2. Financial report (accounting and budget)
    3. Approval of accounting and budget
    4. Discharge of directors (council)
  5. Matters arising since WMMC 2019
    1. ECS constitution update
    2. ECS website update
  6. The appointment and dismissal of directors (i.e., ECS Council members)
    1. Serena Lagorio (Student member), Luis Freitas and Jonas Teilmann (Conference Advisors) are stepping down from Council.
    2. Election of new Council members
  7. ECS Ashdod 2022
    1. Reporting on the conference as the first virtual conference of the ECS
    2. Brief report on conducted workshops
  8. National Contact Person
  9. Student matters
  10. Future Conferences
  11. Other business
  12. ECS Awards Ceremony