Instructions on Submitting Abstracts for the Annual Conference
Please read the following instructions before proceeding:
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 16 October 2015. The deadline is extended until 23 October 2015 (23:45 CET)
Contributors please note:
- only one presentation will be accepted per presenting author
- first authors must be registered by the late registration deadline
- only short talks may be presented by guest speakers
Authors’ names: Please select the number of authors first and then provide the authors’ names, surnames and Institutes\affiliations. Multiple first names must be separated by a space.
Abstract title: Provide the title of the presentation.
Abstract: Enter the Abstract as one continuous paragraph. Do not indent the first line of the paragraph. Abstracts that are pasted in will automatically be truncated.
Word count: A maximum of 300 words are allowed. As the abstract is typed or pasted, a word count box will reveal the number of words already entered.
Abstract file upload: You will need to upload a properly formatted abstract file in rich text format (.rtf) on ECS website at the time of your abstract submission. This can be done using a program such as MS WORD and selecting the file format as .rtf when saving. Please note that you must upload a formatted abstract file and type your abstract in the space provided to successfully complete abstract submission.
Presentation type: Please select your preferred presentation type (poster, short or long talk). There is NO hierarchy between posters and verbal presentations. All Abstracts will be subject to anonymous review and selected on merit. The aim of the conference is to provide information in the most appropriate way to the maximum number of people. Some types of research and results are better communicated by a poster presentation and others by a verbal presentation. The form of presentation is not a reflection of the value of the research. If an author indicates either “POSTER PREFERRED”, “SHORT PREFERRED” or “LONG PREFERRED” and the Committee does not choose it for presentation in that format, it will be considered for presentation in the other format. If the author indicates “EITHER” and it is accepted by the Committee, it will be assigned as either a poster or oral presentation, whichever the Committee considers most appropriate.
Student award eligibility
If you are eligible for a student award (i.e. currently enrolled as a student, or have been enrolled within 12 months of the conference), please select the appropriate category. Applicants must be in possession of a validated student ID card which they will need to present at the conference. If the student is the first author of a multi-authored paper, one of the other authors or a supervisor will need to sign a declaration form stating that “we the undersigned, affirm that the work presented in this abstract is primarily that of the first (student) author” when registering at the conference.
Student grant
Limited funds are available to provide grants towards travel/subsistence costs for students (and occasionally others). If you wish to be considered please select as appropriate. If you are earning a salary you are not eligible. The grants are intended for cases of genuine hardship. Please think carefully before applying for a grant.
Ready to submit your abstract?
Go to the Abstract Submission page