Arts as a tool for Communicating Marine Mammal Science to the General Public 8.2


Arts as a tool for Communicating Marine Mammal Science to the General Public 8.2


Introduction: In this 8th successive workshop we will continue to share educational and outreaching experiences of communicating marine mammal science to the general public and within the scientific community. Following the outcome of the last workshop, it will be centered again on “Arts as a tool for communication”.

With "Arts" we include all forms of expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, including the various branches of creativity such as painting, music, literature, dance, technology, and photography.

Aim and activities: The workshop brings together a variety of people approaching communication of marine mammal science from many different perspectives in the field of arts as defined above. This workshop has been - since its initiation in 2013 - a great opportunity for exchange, reflection, and inspiration, using and displaying images, sounds, bodies, and virtual reality that can provide appropriate tools for communicating marine mammal research to the general public.

Their effectiveness is related to the correct scientific message and to the techniques of communication. The works and exhibitions presented will be shown in the virtual platform of the main Conference.

Relevance: Communication of scientific research outputs to different levels and bodies of society as well as within scientific communities is crucial. As a human society, we are relying on these outputs to shape the life of future generations of humans and the life of our planet in general. Marine mammals are generally being considered popular and charismatic animals thus having a great potential in getting messages across in many aspects of society-related issues also being seen as ambassadors of the ocean as a whole. In order to communicate their science, marine mammal scientists - just as any scientists and/or science-related communicators - need to develop,

reflect and refine their communication skills and seek a common methodology for communication.

With this workshop, we want to support scientists and other communicators to strengthen their message and get it outside the scientific community.

Audience: Anybody interested in communicating marine mammal science to the general public using Arts as a tool is welcome. This workshop is really an opportunity for an interdisciplinary approach.

Workshop expected results: After the workshop, there will be a follow-up communication disseminating results via Mailing list, cloud, and others. Results will be uploaded on our marmart website (artists & researchers for marine mammals) and a proceeding book including all the abstract contributions will be prepared and made available.

Workshop program: 

13:00 - 13:30 Introduction Volker Smith
Luigi Bundone
Barbara Putnam
13:30 - 14:00 Sirens: composers of the sea Annie P. Lewandowskii
Kyle McDonald
14:00 - 14:30 Seeing the science Barbara Putnam
Luigi Bundone
14:30 - 15:00  Paintings that tell science stories Maddalena Jahoda
15:00 - 15:30  Coffee/Afternoon Brunch Break  
15:30 - 16:00  Teaching marine mammals
conservation in school
Barbara Putnam
Mia Roditi-Elasar
15:00 - 16:30

From bioacoustics to music and beyond

Sara Niksic
16:30 - 17:00 The art of science Fabian Ritter
17:00 - 17:30 Inland encounters with life-sized
Ursula Tscherter
17:30 - 18:00  Facilitating a conversation: science, art,
Altea Narici
18:00 - 20:00 Open discussion  

*Time schedule in Central European Time (CET = UTC+1 or GMT+1).
UTC: Coordinated Universal Time.
GMT: Greenwich Mean Time

Workshop organizers:

Volker Smit

Bundesallee 123, 12161 Berlin, Germany

Luigi Bundone
Archipelagos- ambiente e sviluppo, Italia

Calle Asiago 4, 30132 Venice, Italy
Ca’ Foscari University
Dep FBC-LCM, Venice, Italy

Barbara Putnam
St. Mark’s School

25 Marlboro Road, Southborough MA 01772 USA

Within the framework of the
33rd Conference of the European Cetacean Society,
Virtual Platform, Ashdod Israel, 5-7 April 2022

Hosted by
European Cetacean Society