Guidelines for building your presentation
Keep in mind that unless the authors communicate to the organizers (conference2022@europeancetaceansociety.eu) the opposite, the presentations will be made available on-line for a extra 60 days only to those who registered for the Conference.
In order to ensure that the virtual conference is executed in the most professional manner possible, without technical difficulties or delays, we have decided to pre-record all presentations and broadcast them from our local studio. The recording will be made by the presenter and uploaded to the conference drive. This way you can try and practice many times and upload
the recording you like, whenever you like.
Several important guidelines:
- The recording must not exceed 12-13 minutes for oral presentations or 5 minutes for short talks.
- Press record only when you are ready to start presenting or otherwise edit your recording and cut out the irrelevance parts.
- Make sure the sound is good and the presentation is in full screen.
- Make sure the camera is open and the recording includes a little screen with you in it while talking (don't split screens) and check that your video does not hide part of your presentation!
- Basic instructions on how to record a presentation in ppt - Record a slide show with narration and slide timings (microsoft.com)
- The file should be MP4
On the drive folder, there are sub folders for each date and within them additional subfolders for each topic. Check the program to see when is your presentation and upload your recording to the right folder! The videos will be downloaded and deleted from the shared folder soon uploading.
Link to the program - https://www.europeancetaceansociety.eu/conference/scientific-program
Link to the drive folder - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Kp3mv5nVUeJyAmTspEdHUSNlr8OZfqtn?usp=sharing
All recordings must be uploaded by March 29th at 24:00 CET!
Oral presentation
Oral presentations are usually 12 minutes with an additional 3 minutes for questions and answers.
If you want to use visual aids, the preferable file type is power-point, we recommend around 10-15 slides per presentation.
A link to the broadcast will be sent to the oral presenters in April 4th. It is the presenter's responsibility to log into the link after his presentation is over for the Q&A session, as we can't allow delays in the schedule.
Short talks
Short talks are usually 5 minutes long with no time for questions.
If you want to use visual aids, the preferable file type is power-point, we recommend around 5-10 slides per presentation.
Posters be displayed in the virtual poster hall on our designated conference platform. A link to the demo version of the platform can be found on the ECS website:
In the virtual poster hall, your poster will be displayed as a PDF along with a few details about yourself, including contact information so that attendees can follow up and get in touch with you. During the conference's designated poster session times we ask that you make yourself available on the platform so that anyone taking interest can contact you live via the platform's video meeting options. Each poster has a serial number which will appear on the platform next to the its title. There is no need to add this number to the poster itself. once you have opened a user on the virtual platform you will be able to see your poster and it's number.
Please keep a maximum poster size (A0 format) – 841mm (width) x 1189mm (height) and only 1 page!
Poster must include a photo of the PRESENTING author (with surname) at the top left corner
If your would like, you can also upload a 1-minute video to the platform (maximum size 100MB), explaining your work, which will be available to anyone viewing the poster. In order to upload all relevant data as mentioned above, please fill out the following form, including your poster PDF:
The submission deadline for the virtual poster form - March 29th at 24:00 CET!