On this page, you can find information about the 36th ECS Annual Conference program.
New updates will be published regularly.
Keynote speakers
Luke Rendell
Luke Rendell is a renowned researcher on the evolution of learning, behaviour and communication, with a special focus on marine mammals. He is a reader in the School of Biology at the University of St. Andrews, and affiliated with the Scottish Ocean Institute, Sea Mammal Research Unit, the Centre for Social Learning and Cognitive Evolution, and the Institute of Behavioural and Neural Sciences. With over 100 research papers, Dr. Rendell also engages regularly in science dissemination with numerous interviews and appearances on television, newspapers and magazines, podcasts, and cultural events. His book ‘The cultural lives of whales and dolphins’, co-authored with Hal Whitehead, is a must-have item in any marine mammalogy library. In the beginning of his career, he spent time in the Azores aboard IFAW’s R/V Song of the Whale which, according to himself, kick-started his enduring relationship with sperm whales.
Cristina Brito
In one word, Cristina Brito defines herself as an islander: a woman always moving among islands. She is an Associate Professor at the History Department of the NOVA University, researcher at CHAM - Center for the Humanities and a member of the UNESCO Chair on the ocean's cultural heritage. Her academic work focuses on early modern marine environmental history, perceptions and uses of the seas by human societies, oceanic histories, human and nonhuman entanglements, the Anthropocene, and the blue Humanities. As one of the Principal Investigators of the European Research Council (ERC) Sinergy Grant '4-Oceans: Human History of Marine Life', she and her co-workers are creating the 'World Atlas of Historical Marine Exploitation' and, in the process, producing transformative research on the historical relation of humans with the oceans and marine life. She is also the author of several academic, scientific dissemination, fiction, and travel books, co-curates the 'Oceanities' podcast, and collaborates with numerous science dissemination initiatives.
Joe Roman
Joe Roman once declared ‘I’m obsessed with whale poop’. Having coined the term ‘whale pump’ and revolutionizing, with his co-author James McCarty, the way we think about the marine biological pump, that statement may not come as a surprise to many. Dr. Roman is a conservation biologist, author and fellow at the Gund Institute for Environment, and research affiliate at the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont. His academic work spans a broad range of subjects, including endangered species policy, marine mammal ecology and conservation, invasive species, and biodiversity and human health. His scientific work is more than often featured in the news around the world, and he is an influential science communicator, having written several highly acclaimed and awarded books, and regularly contributing to numerous science dissemination outlets. If that was not enough, he fights invasive species one bite at a time as editor ’n’ chef of eattheinvaders.org.
When ready, you will be able to download here the Schedule of the 36th ECS Conference.
When ready, you will be able to download here the Scientific program of the 36th ECS Conference.
When ready, you will be able to download here the Abstract Book of the 36th ECS Conference.
Scientific Committee
Mónica A. Silva (Institute of Marine Sciences - Okeanos, University of the Azores)
Topic editors:
Abundance and Distribution - Rui Prieto (Institute of Marine Sciences - Okeanos, University of the Azores, Portugal) && Carla Álvarez Chicote (SUBMON - Conservation, study and awareness of the marine environment, Spain)
Genetics and Evolution - André Moura (Museum and Institute of Zoology - PAS; University of Gdansk, Poland)
Conservation and Management - Luís Freitas (Museu da Baleia da Madeira, Portugal) & Caterina Fortuna (ISPRA, Italy)
Anatomy and Physiology - Manuel Arbelo (University Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain) & Andreas Fahlman (Fundación Oceanogràfic de la Comunidad Valenciana, Spain)
Ecology - Emer Rogan (University College Cork, Ireland) & Sergi Pérez-Jorge (Institute of Marine Sciences - Okeanos, University of the Azores)
Human Interactions and Climate Change Effects - Mark P. Simmonds (OceanCare, UK) & Anita Gilles (University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany)
Health & Welfare - Ursula Siebert (University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany)
Behaviour - Filipa Samarra (Western Island Research Centre, University of Iceland, Iceland)
Peter G.H. Evans (Sea Watch Foundation; Bangor University, UK; ECS Advisory Committee member)
Tilen Genov (Morigenos - Slovenian Marine Mammal Society; University of Primorska, Slovenia; Chair of ECS)
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Conference program & Abstract book