The ECS student community
My name is Marc Ruiz-Sagalés, and I am a PhD student from Barcelona.
I completed my Bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences at the University of Barcelona, Spain (2017-2021), where I focused my research on the ecological requirements of deep-diving cetaceans around the Azores. Following this, I pursued a Master's degree in Biodiversity at the same university (2019-2021), where my research centered on analyzing population trends and habitat suitability for sperm and southern right whales using historical whaling records.
Currently, I am a PhD student at the Biodiversity Research Institute (IRBio) and the University of Barcelona. Now, my research focuses on the biology, ecology, and climate-driven effects on North Atlantic mysticetes, utilizing biomarkers and historical records to uncover insights into their lives.
As your student representative, I am deeply committed to the development and well-being of future marine mammalogists. My goal is to foster a dynamic and supportive student community within the ECS, and to create opportunities for us to connect, share knowledge, and grow together as we embark on our journeys in marine mammalogy.
Are you interested in joining us?
Are you passionate about marine mammals and eager to grow as a student, researcher, conservationist, or activist? If so, this is the place for you!
Join our ECS student community on Facebook at @ECS Students - to stay updated on our activities.
Feel free to reach out to me with any ideas, thoughts, or requests related to ECS student matters via email.
Welcome aboard!