Student volunteering
As every year, student volunteers are essential to the conference organization. From assisting participants to helping the Local Organizing Committee and the Council during the event, their help is essential to guarantee an smooth and successful week! Student members of the ECS (with valid membership registration for the current year) can volunteer at the conference and benefit from free conference registration.
Volunteering is required for about a third of your time at the conference, including workshop days. Volunteer shifts may include assistance for registrations, guiding participants, assisting LOC in specific tasks, and other services during talk and poster sessions, etc.
The student volunteers will be coordinated by the student representatives of the ECS Local Organizing Committee and the Council.
Application opening: 01/02/2025
Application deadline: 15/02/2025
More info about how to apply will be posted here soon! Stay tuned! ;)
Student Travel Support
The ECS will always look to facilitate travelling/subsistence costs for students with an accepted abstract in the conference. Although limited funds are available, the amount provided by these grants will depend on the number of applications received. The minimum amount per grant will be 50€. We suggest applying for extra conference participation and conference travel grants among journals, academic opportunities, etc.
If you are earning a salary, you are not eligible. The grants are intended for cases of genuine hardship. Please think carefully before applying!
Grants will be conferred exclusively to those who are duly registered and attend the conference.
For any further questions on student matters please contact the ECS student representative
| M E N U S u m m a r y |
Conference program & Abstract book